The Irony of Disease

Robin Williams passed away today after a long bout with depression. The apparent cause of death is suicide. It’s extremely sad and the sadness in many ways is bigger then we can even imagine. How is it bigger? Well, the sadness lies in the fact that this easily could have been prevented. As well as many other tragic deaths and struggles.

Robin Williams, a celebrity, somebody who was well known by many, needed help and though yes he might have been undergoing treatment, he obviously needed more help then he received and this help could have been in the sign of friends and family around him.

When people struggle with illness, a majority of the time, they don’t speak up, either because they are not listened to it, or do not have the clarity or capacity too. This when people need to step up and realize and check in and know something is going on and take some initiative.

With Robin Williams, all these people are saddened by the loss, by his tragic death, but the irony and interesting thing is, if all of these people would have sent him fan letters or emails or something to that effect, especially those dear to him, would this tragedy have happened?

Would this tragedy or other tragedies happened, if those stricken with depression or other mental illness or other disease got help from their friends and family, uplifting, encouragement, real friendship, real help, would all of these other tragedies have been prevented. Very possibly they could have been.

I know going through what I have gone through this last year and half, I was always looking for friendship or help and it seemed through the struggle, more friends and more people shunned away and left and disappeared, but yet these same people are saddened by somebody passing away or don’t want to see these losses or tragedies. I think it’s ironic.

I say take action, step up, do something, help people, be there for your friends, be there for those that struggle, show compassion, show love and maybe just maybe you might prevent more of these tragedies from happening. Maybe, just maybe you might really help somebody overcome a disease, maybe just maybe you will be a real friend.

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4 Responses to The Irony of Disease

  1. Great post.

    The one thing I would add is that many times people are able to “hide” their depression bouts, so people that are “close” but just far enough on the edge of a person’s circle may not realize how bad things are.

    Robin Williams was a terrific actor, and perhaps that contributed to him not getting all the help he could have had.

    I felt a great sadness hearing of his passing today. One can seem to have it all, but in the end, we’re all just people trying to get through one day at a time. 😦

    • jasonb1382 says:

      True, but I still feel anything can be prevented.

      It’s just I feel the irony with struggle. How many times do you see people having in depth conversations with those who are homeless and lending them a helping hand when they are on the streets.

      If that same person was a beautiful woman or rich man, maybe people would be different because they don’t see their struggles, yet they still could be struggling but people seem to ignore that.

  2. Tryst of Grace says:

    Awesome post Jason!
    I have tears on this for sure. I do my best to offer my hand and heart to all those around me in any way that I can. I do have to say, most do not return the same. But I cherish those that do.

    This world gives so little of what we truly need it is no wonder many do not make it. And all we need it TRUE Presence, BEING with one another = LOVE. And it doesn’t take much to co-nurture the flame within. Why people don’t give it is they’ve never gotten it either. Truly sad, but is what it is, so we each do the best we can to affect Presence, BEING and LOVE entering more and more.

  3. jasonb1382 says:

    I am sorry to hear that. It’s sad because there are always signs. So much heartache, so much tragedy, so much disease can be prevented.

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